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Lindsey Pashow is the owner of Adirondack View Lavender in Keeseville, NY. Some of the lavender crop (more…)
Lindsey Pashow is the owner of Adirondack View Lavender in Keeseville, NY. Some of the lavender crop (more…)
For over two years now, the American Floral Endowment (AFE) has been hosting monthly webinars in (more…)
Apple trees are dying, growers are concerned and researchers are resolute in determining what’s causing (more…)
One of the most frightening experiences for anyone is learning that a friend or family member is considering (more…)
Whether you grow vegetables or ornamentals in the greenhouse, Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) (more…)
The Northeast Forest Farming Conference in Danby, VT, which took place earlier this year, introduced attendees to a wide (more…)
Farmers often reminisce about the days when they could easily fix their own car, truck or tractor. For many, it was an (more…)
The cider industry continues to remain strong for craft beverage drinkers – and for those who grow and harvest the (more…)
The reason for the success of bespoke agricultural tour agency Explorations by Thor can be summed up succinctly (more…)
The annual Tales of the Cocktail conference isn’t just about the final intoxicating products. There is also a lot of information (more…)
A few years ago I was chatting with a neighbor and he mentioned that he was having trouble growing tomatoes and peppers (more…)
The Country Folks Grower team was saddened to hear of the passing of Bill Lamont Jr. in November after a stoic (more…)
Country Folks Grower is proud to join communities across America in celebration of National Rural Health Day (NRHD) (more…)
Farmers, whether raising animals for meat or milk or growing crops to nourish humans, often sell through farm stands and (more…)
There are a ton of agricultural grants available, but knowing which ones you qualify for and taking your time to fill them out (more…)