by Melissa Piper Nelson
If you are now taking the time to review the interviews you did last fall or this winter for new workers, incorporate the “E-Factor” for finding and retaining exceptional employees. The E-Factor equates to those individuals who you move to the top of the hiring list for their enthusiasm, energy and effectiveness.
Individuals with enthusiasm are eager to learn, less likely to get stymied when problem-solving and move beyond workplace differences quicker than employees who require constant motivation. While enthusiasm is not a replacement for fundamental skills, the employee who is willing to do her job well and tackle challenges, often proves her worth from the start. Indifferent employees require more of your time as a manager to monitor, correct and encourage. In reviewing potential employees, think about those individuals who were eager to learn more about the business, had shown natural leadership abilities and whose past work experience reflected an interest in more than just showing up at the job.
E-Factor’s energy is not merely how wide-awake and ready a person seems for the job, but the entire feeling a person projects. Is the candidate prepared to take on new responsibilities? How did they handle workplace situations in the past? What is their level of interest in training, supervising and managing? Introverted and extroverted individuals will react to the energy factor in different ways, but the individual who is truly interested in the job will let you know that they are ready for the task and willing to work diligently to get the job done.
How do you rate effectiveness? The candidate’s past work or volunteer experience can tell you a great deal. Has the candidate learned new skills in past work and if so, how has he put them to use in the job? What projects has he completed and what steps did he take to get there? What is his follow through level in past experiences?
State and federal laws govern specific hiring practices and managers need to stay fully informed about these specific issues. In assessing groups of candidates, it is helpful to have some measuring metrics that relate directly to the business and the type of job the candidates are interviewing for. General aspects of suitability, like those of the E-Factor, help managers align the best possible candidate with the job.
Managers are always interested in hiring individuals who have exceptional skill sets and abilities. This type of foundation is absolutely necessary. If a job entails specific production skills you hire the best candidate who has that particular background and experience. The E-Factor takes into account those traits that enhance technical ability as well as setting a candidate apart from the crowd. Training and on-the-job experience provide skill level development, but there must also be a willingness to learn and the ability to work effectively to make that training translate to the actual job efficiencies.
In reviewing the candidates you are seeking this season, what jobs match the persons you have interviewed or talked with? Do the top candidates bring a sense of cooperation and leadership and skill and determination?
Jack Welch, noted businessman and national entrepreneurial leader, is quoted as saying those who exhibit the most creativity and leadership qualities are individuals closest to their work. Dedicated employees have the ability to do the job, are willing to learn and project energy and enthusiasm.   These are the people who rise to the top of the interview list and are willing to work with you, not just for you.
The above information is provided for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional legal or business counseling.