LANSING, Mich. – Michigan plum producers are being asked to vote on continuation of the Michigan Plum Industry Development Program in a referendum conducted by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development September 16 through 27.
Ballots will be mailed to plum producers on September 13, 2013. Ballots must be returned or postmarked on or before September 27, 2013.
The program is designed to improve the economic position of the Michigan plum producers by supporting and creating greater marketing opportunities through crop and market information, advertising and promotion and appropriate research. It was last approved by plum producers in a 2008 referendum. By law, the program must be resubmitted for grower approval every five years. Currently, the assessment is $4.50 per ton.
Producers are eligible to vote if they produced and sold plums valued at more than $800 in any of the last three years. For the purpose of the referendum a producer is entitled to one vote representing a single firm, individual proprietorship, corporation, company, association, partnership, husband-wife or family ownership.
Any eligible producer not receiving a ballot may write the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Executive Office, POB 30017, Lansing, 48909; or call 800-292-3939.
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