2016WGIFOnlineAuctionOfficia11lLogo21The second annual WGIF Online Auction will begin March 17th! From products to services to gift cards, a variety of items are available to the highest bidder. Get a jump on spring gardening with some great deals on plants, yard supplies, and other fun items being offered at the online auction. Think green and go green as the Wisconsin Green Industry Federation opens its online auction starting March 17th—St. Patrick’s Day. The auction, which is open to the public, ends on April 3rd. Just go to www.biddingforgood.com/wgif and start shopping for the green!
There’s something for everyone at the WGIF Online Auction! Visit the auction website and place your bid on a gift card from a local garden center. Do you like sports events? Be sure to check out the Badgers football and basketball tickets. How about watching the Milwaukee Brewers play the Chicago Cubs from a luxury suite above third base while you enjoy a buffet of delicious food prepared by a chef?   All you have to do is bid high for the Brewers/ Cubs tickets in the Gehl Club at Miller Park, part of this year’s offerings on the WGIF Online Auction.
There’s more! You can grow a piece of history in your garden by planting a descendant of two of the world’s most historically important trees—a Johnny Appleseed Apple Tree and the Sir Isaac Newton Apple Tree! You’ll find them on the WGIF Online Auction, along with the fast-growing Autumn Blaze (which lives up to its name every fall), and the stunning Sienna Glen Maple—one of the hardiest trees you’ll find, an amazingly adaptable tree with outstanding red color in fall.
Would you like to have an award-winning tree in your yard? You can, with a high bid at the WGIF Online Auction. The Musclewood tree, also known as Carpinus caroliniana, was named a Woody Ornamental Plant of the Year for 2015 by WNLA because of its versatility, reliability, and beauty in the Wisconsin landscape. It’s available on the WGIF Online Auction, as is the Firebird® Crabapple, which was named best Woody Ornamental Tree of 2012. These and many other wonderful trees and plants are available at the WGIF Online Auction. Take a look at the offerings by going online so you can bring award-winning trees to your own yard’s landscape.
Go to www.BiddingForGood.com/wgif     Good luck!